The Cap Chronicles Part 16 — Today Was Going to Be a “Down” Day
I had a dream last night that I went back to work at my old call center. We did not leave on the best of terms. A great last day story though:
I was late for 45 days straight. Not terribly late just late enough. I had taken to a 20 minute nap in the break room after lunch to let my meal settle. By this point I had already started secretly working in the corporate kitchen in the building where the call center was located. It was mine and the chef’s “dirty little secret.” I liked the kitchen staff better than the teams I was on. I even liked the person(s) I didn’t like in the kitchen better. We were an ACTUAL team in the kitchen.
Upstairs the idiots won and this included the team manager. She was an bitter loser, who attempted to hold people back from advancing. Who wouldn’t let or attempt to let folks take a day off to take their kids for an MRI. But who would then disappear for 4 days gumming up the line bc their kid had a cold. The exact type of person who becomes a manager in a place like that.
I was 18 minutes into my 20 minute nap when i felt a tap. It was my manager vs the assistant manager. Another piece of shit who had a total of two stories he would tell to impress people. One was of being in a game box with a famous NFL player bc of his son’s connections. The other was of seeing U2 in concert. I cannot tell you how often I had to suffer those stories. But I digress..
The manager had come for me, as we hit the cube farm floor I went to make the left towards my…