The Importance of Reaching “US” versus Telling “US” To Save the World
that’s weird bc the folks usually saying that are privileged white men and white women. I’ve never had a minority or p.o.c. say it to me, only privileged white folks…
It’s also weird bc I don’t know a single person who hasn’t tried to explain why they felt that way. I know I did, and it comes down to watching the DNC manipulate the voting and change the rules before the earlier primaries. You can only get kicked by your own party or side of the road so many times until you bite or strike back. Folks are really injured for being shit on for the last 4+ years. Everyone’s allowed to vote your heart or conscience except you if you don’t agree with the status quo of your party.
The point of what they’re doing is to hold out and let them know the party priorities need to shift more left, back towards a more democratic party vs a light-right party. Then you get everyone’s vote and the folks in charge will still find ways to get paid off by corporate interests.
But bc no one is still hearing “us.” So now instead of getting some sort of reassurance that Bernie’s group will be included we get to hear how it’s a matter of being “White and Privileged.” So now what’s happening is some of these Bernie supporters are being weaponized. There’s a great article on how the “woke” folks are now beginning to be indoctrinated into the Quannon circles, This is classic programming cult techniques being spooned through well written articles and videos catering to the likes of those folks.
So now you’re going to have a choice: Do you want to feel smug and superior and say shitty things to people that have been pushed to the brink and are beat up and knocked down already or do you want to help lift “us” back up to our feet and include “us” in the plans for 2020–24? Bc you are seeing the growing unrest from the right in these rallies but you’re also going to see the unrest from the left. And that will come in the form of these folks being so broken and brainwashed that they think they’ll be proving a point in the fall when they don’t come out to vote. and then you’re going to see traditionally blue states become red states for the first time in almost 100 years.
TO THE DNC AND CENTRISTS: This is fair warning. I’m going to do the right thing come November but I’ve already unfriended at least 2 people this month who went so far as to call me a “rape apologist” for planning to vote for Biden. Regardless of the fact that RGBs replacement will be picked by the next president and that judge will be in place for 50 years. You will determine ultimately if you win by your actions, not “US.”